iPhone’s decision to introduce important security features for users soon

California: Technology giant Apple is going to release its most important update ever to deal with the ‘quantum apocalypse’.

According to the company that owns the iPhone, the new iMessage update will protect messages after the arrival of quantum computing.

Currently messaging platforms use classical cryptography to secure their messages which ensures that the text can only be read by the sender and recipient of the message. This method is effective because it is based on difficult mathematical problems that cannot be solved by ordinary computers.
However, computer scientists believe that quantum computers may emerge in the coming decades, which may have the ability to solve these intractable mathematical problems. Due to this, these messages will not be encrypted and can be read.

Experts have dubbed this phenomenon the ‘quantum apocalypse’. While quantum computers are being developed for use in fields ranging from health to artificial intelligence, researchers are also working to prevent the dangers posed by it. which may result in a breach of encryption.

It should be noted that quantum computing is a new way of computing that uses the fundamental principles of physics to solve extremely complex problems.

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