Red light can lower blood sugar

LONDON: A new study suggests that exposure to red light on the waist can help lower blood sugar levels.

According to the results of a study conducted at the University of London in the United Kingdom, after 15 minutes of exposure to a specific frequency of light, blood sugar levels were reduced by 27.7 percent after glucose consumption. At the same time, doing so reduced glucose spikes by 7.5 percent.

Experts said their research points to important long-term consequences for human health, including the negative effects of long-term exposure to blue light on blood sugar.

Red Light May Lower Blood Sugar, Research
Web Desk Sunday, February 25, 2024
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A new study suggests that exposure to red light on the waist can help lower blood sugar levels.

According to the results of a study conducted at the University of London in the United Kingdom, after 15 minutes of exposure to a specific frequency of light, blood sugar levels were reduced by 27.7 percent after glucose consumption. At the same time, doing so reduced glucose spikes by 7.5 percent.

Experts said their research points to important long-term consequences for human health, including the negative effects of long-term exposure to blue light on blood sugar.

In modern life, LEDs play a prominent role in lighting and emit more blue light and less red light in the spectrum. The author says that this could potentially be a ‘time bomb’ for health.

According to scientists, exposure to blue light affects blood sugar levels, which can lead to diabetes and other health problems in the long run.

He added that this problem can be tackled by spending more time in sunlight.

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