Smelling fragrances have been shown to reduce depression

A short but unique study has found that people suffering from depression can reduce their depression if they make it a habit to smell natural fragrances.

According to research published in the medical journal JAMA Network, experts from the University of Pittsburgh in the United States recruited 32 volunteers to test the effect of fragrances on depression.

All volunteers included in the study were adults and also suffering from severe depression, who were exposed to different types of fragrances for a specified period.

Experts asked volunteers to smell aromas from mostly natural foods and ingredients and then asked them to recall specific events and moments from their lives.

The experts asked the volunteers to smell other ingredients and foods, including vixen balm, coffee, coconut oil, cumin, some drinks, vanilla, cloves, and ketchup, and then after a while asked them various questions.

The volunteers surprisingly reported that when they smelled the aromas of different types of natural ingredients and compounds, they remembered good events and moments, not bitter ones, which made them feel refreshed.

According to the volunteers, when they remember the memories of drinking coffee, eating, going for a walk or celebrating with a loved one in good weather, good days and atmosphere, their withered heart opens up.

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